a selection of student work (1998-2024)

Drawing I, OSU, Eric Lewis, "Gerhard Richter", charcoal on newsprint, 18"x24", 1998. Eric took a drawing class before graduating with a degree in medicine. He had never really drawn, and his initial drawings were stiff and awkward. He learned quickly and drew all the time. He was drawing Gerhard Richter, who was in town to receive an award, from a photograph. Richter admired this and invited him to lunch, and to come to Germany.

Drawing 2, OSU, Final project: Superimpose a drawing onto a series, charcoal on paper, 72"x96", c. 2009. This series of drawings was made during the semester I fist used the format of sixteen 18x24 drawings displayed in a 4x4 grid for a final project. This student made seventeen drawings of a view from her window (in Ohio). The seventeenth was then superimposed, bit by bit, on the other sixteen.

Drawing I, FSW, Christian, "Run. Run", mixed media on paper, 72"x96", 2022. Christian was working at the Rauschenberg Gallery while taking the class. Impressed by Rauschenberg's technique of photo transfers, he researched how it was done, and applied the technique to his final project. The assignment was to perform actions to linking the drawings. This is about his Cherokee ancestry, the headdress shown in the work once belonged to his grandfather.

3-D Design, FSW, Christian, "Run Away", spray paint on table, 32"x72"x36", 2023. My second class with Christian, a year after Drawing I, was 3-D Design. The class was by invitation only and centered around a two-week visit to Florence, Italy. Upon return, the students created an exhibition, titled "A Florentine Banquet". Christian designed one of the tables for the installation.

3-D Design students, FSW, "639 (239"), various paints on wall, 48"x96", 2023. Part of the same "Florentine Banquet" installation is this collaborative work of graffiti. The “639” of the title refers to the number of a law against graffiti on city property in Italy. Later, I changed the “639” into “239”, which is the area code of Fort Myers. If one city is against graffiti, it’s our FSW hometown of Fort Myers.
Art Appreciation, FSW, "Only at the Frontier", tressage (weaving), 11"x8.5", collage on paper, 2015. Art Appreciation before COVID, was still a live class at FSW. Students were assigned numerous sketchbook activities to bolster their creativity. One of the favorite projects was to create a number of Surrealist Techniques. In this example a tressage, a weaving is used. Other techniques included frottage (rubbing), pliage (folding), and soufflage (blowing).

Painting II, OSU, Surrealist techniques: Laissées (left overs), recycled painting fragments on canvas, 48"x48", c. 2008.

Painting II, OSU, Melissa, "Self Portrait", oil on canvas, 14"x10", c.2008.

Intermediate drawing, OSU, "Wexner Center for the Arts", digital image (photoshop), c. 2010. A computer lab on campus was reserved for the class for two 3-hour sessions. The assignment was to scan drawings that were created earlier in class, and to continue work on them using digital media.

Drawing II, FSW, "01000001 01101001 (AI)", Mural design, charcoal on newsprint, 16"x144", 2023 A design for a mural, the theme was initially called “AI Reversed,” in which AI would design prompts, that the students then would follow. During the process of designing the art, the theme became broader as students reflected on their feelings towards a world dominated by technology. There is some anxiety, but more so an anticipation of the inevitability of a changed world.
Art 1301C: Drawing I: Final project, Vestige, movement. Two sheets from a series of sixteen. 24" x 18" each, pencil on paper, 2023.

Art 2501C: Painting I, Koi Pond Pump Housing Project. Various materials (digital mock-up). Proposal for altering public structure. 2024.

Roxanne Guerra: Koi Pond Pump Housing project, Spray paint; garden gnomes; reflective foil, 2023.

Assignment: God. Part of the student exhibition "Bootcamp: An Immersive Experience in Contemporary Art," BIG Arts, Sanibel Island, FL, June 2024.

Rose draws all the time, travels by bus. This man engaged in talking politics. Rose did not talk back, but drew the man.